1. What is Typescript?
  2. What are the 3 components of Typescript?
  3. What's the difference between JS and TS?
  4. What is static typing?
  5. List some user-defined data types.
  6. List some built-in data types.
  7. What is an interface in TS?
  8. What are access modifiers in TS?
  9. Definition and usage: 'any' type.
  10. Definition and usage: 'void' type
  11. Definition and usage: 'unknown' type.
  12. Definition and usage: 'generic' types.
  13. What is a module in TS?
  14. How do arrays work in Typescript?
  15. What are primitive types in Typescript?
  16. Syntax for function with type annotations?
  17. How to create objects in Typescript?
  18. Does TS support all object-oriented principles?
  19. How to define class constants in TS?
  20. What is function overloading in TS?
  21. What is a Tuple in TypeScript?
  22. What is an Enum in TypeScript?
  23. What is the never type in TypeScript?
  24. What is type assertion in TypeScript?
  25. How to define a class in TypeScript?
  26. What are optional parameters in TypeScript?
  27. What are default parameters in TypeScript?
  28. What is a union type in TypeScript?
  29. What are interfaces with optional properties in TypeScript?
  30. What is Type Inference in TypeScript?
  31. What are getters and setters in TypeScript?
  32. What are mixins in TypeScript?
  33. What is namespace in TypeScript?
  34. How does inheritance work in TypeScript?
  35. What is an abstract class in TypeScript?
  36. What is a static property/method in TypeScript?
This application is currently in maintenance mode.
Both questions and answers need to be refactored and restructured. There will be also new functionalities soon