1. What is the box model?
  2. What are some CSS methodologies?
  3. What is BEM?
  4. What is OOCSS?
  5. What's the difference between content-box and border-box?
  6. What's the difference between display properties?
  7. What's the difference between id and class?
  8. What is selector specificity?
  9. What is the position property?
  10. What is @media?
  11. What is Responsive Web Design (RWD)?
  12. What is Block Formatting Context (BFC)?
  13. Describe z-index and how stacking context is formed.
  14. How does floating work in CSS?
  15. How do we center a div?
  16. How do we center a div without flex or grid?
  17. What are the pros and cons of animations in CSS, comparing to JS?
  18. What is will-change in CSS?
  19. What's the difference between em and rem, and when should you use them?
  20. Name 3 selectors that select an element based on its index.
  21. How to select the first 10 elements on a list?
  22. How to select odd/even elements on a list?
  23. How can you check if a property is supported in a browser?
  24. How can you load CSS resources conditionally?
  25. How to use CSS variables?
  26. How to create an attribute selector that is not case sensitive?
  27. What's the difference between reset.css and normalize.css?
  28. What is shadow DOM?
  29. How would you implement modularity in CSS?
  30. What are some pseudo classes you have used?
  31. What is an attribute selector?
  32. What are the different ways to hide content in CSS?
  33. Are CSS rule names case sensitive?
  34. What is the use of the only keyword in CSS?
  35. Does margin-top or margin-bottom have effect on inline elements?
  36. Does padding-top or padding-bottom have effect on inline elements?
  37. Does padding-left or padding-right have effect on inline elements?
  38. If you have a <p> element with font-size: 10rem, will the text be responsive when the user resizes / drags the browser window?
  39. Does overflow: hidden create a new block formatting context?
  40. Which one would you prefer among px, em, %, or pt and why?
  41. How does CSS Grid work?
  42. How does Flexbox work?
  43. What are the differences between visibility: hidden and display: none?
  44. What is CSS Sprites?
  45. What is a pseudo-element?
  46. What's the difference between nth-of-type() and nth-child()?
  47. What is a mobile-first approach?
  48. What is SVG in CSS?
  49. Does a browser read CSS selectors from right to left?
  50. What are CSS modules?
  51. What is a CSS preprocessor?
  52. What is the concept of "CSS in JS"?
  53. What is the use of a CSS framework, and can you name a few?
  54. What is a CSS pseudo-class?
  55. What is the use of the ::before and ::after pseudo-elements?
  56. What is the difference between responsive and fluid typography?
This application is currently in maintenance mode.
Both questions and answers need to be refactored and restructured. There will be also new functionalities soon