1. Definition: DNS
  2. Definition: HTTP
  3. HTTP request includes protocol version, verb, headers and body
  4. HTTP response includes status, headers and body
  5. Definition: Static Site Generators
  6. What is GraphQL?
  7. What is Emmet?
  8. What is the MERN stack?
  9. What is JAMstack?
  10. What tools do you use for debugging?
  11. What is an API?
  12. What is a REST API?
  13. What is CRUD?
  14. What is REST, and why do people use it?
  15. What is CORS?
  16. What's the difference between HTTP and HTTPS?
  17. Describe the process from typing a URL to finishing loading on the screen.
  18. What are the pros and cons of a single page app?
  19. What is RxJS?
  20. What is a service worker?
  21. Why do we use bundlers?
  22. What's the difference between HTTP1 and HTTP2?
  23. What is Docker?
  24. What is web accessibility?
  25. What is JWT?
  26. Explain some common techniques regarding front-end security.
  27. What is serverless?
  28. What is a headless CMS?
  29. What is FOUC?
  30. What is TCP/IP?
  31. What is the Cloud?
  32. What is minification?
  33. What is a CDN?
This application is currently in maintenance mode.
Both questions and answers need to be refactored and restructured. There will be also new functionalities soon