1. What is the difference between state and props?
  2. What is Context API?
  3. What is reconciliation?
  4. What is a React Fragment?
  5. What are React hooks?
  6. Name and explain common hooks.
  7. What are pure components?
  8. How to create a new hook?
  9. What is a HOC (Higher Order Component)?
  10. What are keys in React and why are they important?
  11. How to destructure props?
  12. What is the Virtual DOM? Difference from real DOM and shadow DOM?
  13. What is a controlled component?
  14. How can a child component change the state in a parent component?
  15. What does the deps array in useEffect() do?
  16. What does 'return' in useEffect do?
  17. What is React?
  18. What is JSX? Can a browser read JSX?
  19. What are major advantages of React?
  20. How to update state in a component?
  21. What are the phases in a component’s lifecycle?
  22. How to create a form in React?
  23. How does React Router work?
  24. What are major advantages of NextJS?
  25. Differences between class and functional components.
  26. What is prop drilling?
  27. When and why would you use useMemo() or useCallback()?
  28. How are events handled in React and what is e.target?
  29. What causes a component to re-render?
  30. What are React's synthetic events?
  31. What are controlled and uncontrolled components in React?
  32. What is Redux?
  33. What is a reducer in Redux?
  34. How does data flow in Redux?
  35. How do you handle asynchronous actions in Redux?
  36. What is the use of refs in React?
  37. What is a React portal?
  38. How do you optimize performance in a React application?
  39. What is PropTypes in React?
  40. What is React Suspense and React.lazy?
This application is currently in maintenance mode.
Both questions and answers need to be refactored and restructured. There will be also new functionalities soon