1. Explain web accessibility and its importance.
  2. What is the importance of reducing render-blocking resources, and how can you achieve it?
  3. What are common accessibility barriers on the web?
  4. How can you improve color contrast for better accessibility?
  5. What is the purpose of alt text for images?
  6. How are ARIA attributes used to enhance accessibility?
  7. How can you ensure keyboard accessibility?
  8. Why is semantic HTML important for accessibility?
  9. How can you improve the accessibility of forms?
  10. What is skip navigation and why is it important?
  11. How can lazy loading improve the performance of a web application?
  12. What are critical CSS and how do they optimize web performance?
  13. How does minification help in optimizing web assets?
  14. What is the purpose of a content delivery network (CDN) in web optimization?
  15. How does browser caching improve website performance?
  16. What are the best practices for optimizing images on the web?
  17. How can you reduce the impact of third-party scripts on website performance?
  18. What role does server-side rendering (SSR) play in optimizing frontend applications?
  19. How does code splitting optimize the performance of web applications?
  20. How do service workers contribute to web performance optimization?
Estimated time: 5 hours




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