1. What is HTML?
  2. What is progressive rendering?
  3. What is doctype declaration?
  4. How to write comments in HTML?
  5. Difference: RGB and HEX colors?
  6. Difference: block and inline elements?
  7. How many elements can have the same id?
  8. What are 3 ways of adding CSS to HTML document?
  9. What is a viewport?
  10. What is "semantic HTML"?
  11. What are HTML entities?
  12. What is UTF-8?
  13. What is XHTML?
  14. Difference: SVG and Canvas?
  15. How do you serve a page with content in multiple languages?
  16. How can you generate a public key in HTML?
  17. Do you know any HTML preprocessor?
  18. Why do we put CSS links in <head> and JS in <body>?
  19. Name 3 new tags in HTML5.
  20. Is drag and drop possible in HTML5?
  21. How to define charset and what is recommended for Polish?
  22. Difference: HTML elements and tags?
  23. What is an image map?
  24. What are the best practices in HTML?
  25. What is accessibility?
  26. What are void elements in HTML?
  27. What is a tag in HTML?
  28. Are HTML tags case sensitive?
  29. What is the purpose of the 'data' attribute?
  30. Explain <abbr>, <q>, and <blockquote> tags.
  31. What tags do you use for creating tables?
  32. Difference: <ul> and <ol>
  33. Which tag is used for the result of a calculation?
  34. Difference: <div> and <span>
  35. Difference: <datalist> and <select>
  36. What is <figure> tag?
  37. Explain the purpose of <iframe> tag.
  38. List common tags in the <head> element.
  39. What is the purpose of <meta> element?
  40. What tags are used to embed video/audio on a website?
  41. Difference: defer and async attributes in script tag.
  42. What is the "main" tag?
  43. Can an article be inside a section and vice versa?
  44. What is Anchor tag in HTML?
  45. What is <marquee> tag?
  46. What are attributes?
  47. What is "role" attribute?
  48. What is "title" attribute?
  49. Where do you put "lang" attribute?
  50. How to add a custom attribute in HTML5?
  51. Why would you use srcset/size attribute in an image tag?
  52. What is "dataset"?
  53. List common form tags.
  54. List common form attributes.
  55. List common form input types.
  56. How to limit the number of characters in a text input?
  57. How to add HTML validation to forms?
  58. How do you group form elements?
This application is currently in maintenance mode.
Both questions and answers need to be refactored and restructured. There will be also new functionalities soon